Master the WINX Problem-Solving Model

Now an eCourse!

From the 4-time award-winning book, WINX – The Problem Solving Model to Win Exponentially with Customers, Employees & Your Bottom Line by Irma Parone.

Learn how to implement this proven strategy in a self-guided eCourse that will transform the way you solve problems.

Help your business, organization, and leadership team execute decisions with confidence and win “X”ponentially with customers, employees and your bottom line.

Irma Parone

Founder, CEO Parone Group

Irma Parone is a consultant, best-selling author, speaker, and founder of the Parone Group. She earned her Certification in Organizational Development from the Institute of Organizational Development and is a graduate of the Industrial Relations Studies Program at Cornell University.

Before forming the Parone Group, Irma served in many roles in the corporate world, specializing in extending customer retention, reducing employee turnover, and team building. She has visited, researched, studied, and talked to many companies with great processes in order to share them with other organizations.

Based on all of Irma’s experiences, and as outlined in her book WINX, taking a triangular look when solving problems is the winning juice.

It’s ok to take care of yourself. That’s one happy person.

But when you as a leader—along with every member of your team—make critical decisions considering the needs of your clients, your employees, and your company, it’s hard to lose.

Eight steps. Three wins. It’s very powerful!

Key Takeaways

  • Become aware of the unconscious emotional influences that shape your decisions
  • Broaden your decision criteria to encompass all those affected by it
  • Approach problems with deeper insight, awareness, and optimism
  • Find the true root cause of a problem beneath its surface
  • Develop a clear problem statement
  • Evaluate the effect your current problem has on your business
  • Explore alternatives and choices out of your comfort zone
  • Bring diverse perspectives to problem-solving in your organization
  • Analyze the impact of your triangular focus—customers, employees, and bottom line
  • Predict and prepare for possible fallout from decisions made
  • Review the ongoing outcome of a decision and the effectiveness of the problem-solving process to ensure constant improvement

The Focused Trio

The customer


The Bottom Line

Master The 8-Step Problem-Solving Model

Start Learning the WINX Process Today!